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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2019

Kompleksitas Ikhtisar Rasa di Akhir Dekade

Minggu kedua bulan dua belas saat udara beku jadi selimut. Pancar surya menerobos bilik rehat menjamah benak yang mulai membeku menghangatkan karsa menata kata. Di tengah hari tak banyak kebisingan, ketika berhenti merekam dan mengolah berkas-berkas rasa datang dan pergi, tujuh purnama terbit di atas punggung seekor harimau Asia Seperti bermimpi saat membuka mata ini drama dan realita apa yang di hadapanku layaknya merengkuh kabut ada, terasa dekat, terlihat, namun tak tergenggam atau sebuah kerlip kota dari kejauhan terlihat indah tapi tidak jelas dan justru itu maka terlihat indah. Seperti mengumpulkan serpihan es yang menyelimuti dedaunan kering musim gugur setelah hujan pada musim dingin: menarik, rumit, dan dingin. Akankah komunitas imajiner ini hanya jadi imajinasi dengan banyak sensasi dan publikasi tanpa esensi? lain di mulut, lain di aksi? Akankah anak rahim Ibu Pertiwi selamanya mau mendekadensi diri? Lemah hati, lemah akal, lemah teknologi....

Built to Last

"It is far more important to know who you are than where you are going, for where you are going will certainly change as the world about you changes. Leaders die, products become obsolete, market change, new technologies emerge, management fads come and go; but core ideology in a great company endures as a source of guidance and inspiration." "The role of core ideology is to guide and inspire, not to differentiate; it's entirely possible that two companies can have the same core values or purpose. More importantly, how the company live it more passionately, deeply, intensely, powerfully aligned. It's not the content of the ideology that makes a company visionary. It's the authenticity, discipline, and consistency with which the ideology is lived--the degree of alignment--that differentiates visionary companies from the rest of the pack. It's not what you believe that sets you apart so much as that you believe in something, that you believe in it deeply...